2022 AOC Award Winners
Every year AOC recognizes individuals and units for their outstanding performance in furthering the aims of the association in support of the United States or Allied Electronic Warfare (EW), Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO), Cyber-Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA), and Information Operations (IO).
Please join us in celebrating this year’s award winners for their exemplary service to our community!
Prestige Awards

AOC Gold Medal Award
Jon T. Graves
Awarded for over a half-century of contributions to electronic warfare, Mr. Graves has a breadth of technical expertise and corporate knowledge in RF/IR signature characterization/reduction and ECM systems ranging from the Vietnam era to the next generation of aerospace vehicles — most notably in key technical roles as an AC-130 Gunship engineer, F-22 Deputy Director, and USAF Airborne Electronic Attack Portfolio Manager. An encyclopedia of EW historical and technical facts, top military and DoD leaders seek his advice and counsel on EMS strategy. The sustained efforts of Mr. Graves reflect great credit upon himself and our nation.

Hal Gershanoff Silver Medal Award
Craig Harm
Awarded for over 35 years of service and dedication in continually promoting the mission and objectives of AOC, Craig Harm's involvement has been at the heart of AOC activities that continue to improve the infrastructure and governance that will improve the organization. Craig continues to be a leader in various endeavors to further the goals of AOC; He has demonstrated the true value and distinction of being a member of AOC.

Anton D. "Tony" Brees Lifetime Service Award
Keith Everly
The Anton D. "Tony" Brees Lifetime Service Award recognizes AOC members who have rendered exemplary and sustained service to the AOC at a local and/or national/international level over a period of more than 20 years.

AOC Technology Hall of Fame Award
Mark Elson and Ed Mienko
The AOC Technology Hall of Fame recognizes individuals or groups of individuals who have been prime innovators in technology development and whose achievements have resulted in enhanced survivability of forces and equipment. Although focused on individuals, the AOC Technology Hall of Fame may recognize Government, Industry or Academic technology groups or units for specific aggregate technical achievements.

Joseph W. Kearney Pioneer Award
H. Wayne Whitten
Awarded for pioneering contributions to the evolution of U.S. Marine Corps aviation EW over 50 years as an ECMO, requirements sponsor, test and evaluation program manager, and author/historian that materially improved the discipline of electronic warfare.

John M. Clifford Award for the Advancement of the Electromagnetic Domain Award
The Honorable Jim Langevin
Awarded for extraordinary leadership and advocacy of electromagnetic spectrum operations during service in the U.S. Congress.
Community Awards

Project Team of the Year Award
39 EWS
39 EWS Software Development Flight, 39th Electronic Warfare Squadron, Eglin AFB, FL, distinguished itself from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. The flight innovated five software algorithms, automating the Air Force’s electronic warfare database and protecting the air superiority of 70 combat platforms. Additionally, the team developed novel reprogramming modules for three aircraft, supporting 1.2K sorties. The distinctive accomplishments of the Software Development Flight reflect credit upon itself and the United States Air Force.

EW Professional Outstanding Young Crow Award
Madeline Vaughn
Awarded for work at SwRI that spreads across SOSA™, DMSMS of jammers, plus the development of advanced DRFM and receivers.

Professional Outstanding Achievement Award
Gena Thorn
Awarded for leadership and contributions in developing novel cryptologic capabilities supporting special operations within the past year.

Military Service Award — Air Force
Major Caitlyn DeFabo, USAF
Awarded for distinguishing herself as the Director of Operations and Electronic Warfare Office, leading the Operation Reconnaissance program, analyzing worldwide radar threats, and significantly improving EW training software.

Military Service Award — Navy
Chief Warrant Officer Eric Nelle, USN
Awarded for paving the way in cryptologic warfare and ensuring the next generation has the capability and tools to take on any adversary.
Chapter Flow-Up Awards

Outstanding Chapter Support
Tristan Caruso
Awarded for continually promoting the objectives of the AOC through establishing EMS technical development throughout the Dixie Crow Chapter, whether it be through monthly chapter membership meetings, technical special topic meetings, volunteering during the annual Dixie Crow Technical Symposium, membership recruitment/retention events, and/or promoting events and endeavors within his organization.

Military Individual Excellence Award — Air Force
Captain Paul Moran, USAF
Awarded for distinguishing himself as the Modeling, Simulation, Analysis, and Engineering Flight Commander. Major Moran linked the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing with nine mission partners to develop the Cognitive Electronic Warfare (CogEW), bolstering the DoD's Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategist's #1 goal.

Military Individual Excellence Award — Army
Major David Mack, USA
Awarded for delivering superior electronic warfare and cyber capabilities to the Warfighter and nine Brigade Combat Teams supporting U.S. Army Urgent Operational Needs.

Military Individual Excellence Award — Navy
Lt Ayesha Shabazz Woods, USN
Awarded for outstanding contributions to electronic warfare, signals intelligence, and cyber warfare while serving as a Tactical Information Operations OIC. Her team was crucial in providing critical electronic warfare support to special operations forces.

Military Unit Excellence Award
USS Dewey
The USS DEWEY distinguished itself through outstanding unit performance in electronic warfare from January to December 2021. The distinctive accomplishments of the members of the USS DEWEY reflected great credit upon themselves and the United States Navy.

Outstanding Unit Award — NATO
German Air force Tactical Fighter Wing 51 “Immelmann”
Awarded for extraordinary achievements as a unit within electromagnetic warfare, German Air Force Tactical Fighter Wing 51's expertise and proficiency provided exemplary support to NATO nations and their electromagnetic spectrum operations.

Outstanding Unit Award — Navy (Sea)
USS Brainbridge (DDG 96)

Outstanding Unit Award — Navy (Air)
VAQ-130 Zappers

Outstanding Unit Award — Navy (Shore)
Navy Information Operational Command (NIOC) Whidbey Island